Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Release and Renew

The spiritual self is awaken, She has joined the awakening and now speaks of love as an effective way of being. The awaken self takes the truth as it comes. The truth as in the sun is shining, as in the birds are singing, as in the stillness of the land and as in the empty promises of liars as proof that life goes on. Keep moving forward release the stale and stalled energy that binds the creative self. Open up and seek renewal through correct thoughts. Support yourself

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Get in Touch With Your INNER SPIRIT

Osun one of the divine mothers’ of Love says today get in touch with your inner good – this day has been manifested for perfected work – thank the heavens that the energies of love and work are balanced on the planet. Look forward to a day of cooperation and smooth sailing, if you able to channel the good inside, to the outside and share it with others in your universe. Opposites attract today and work partnerships can turn to love. Couples-today seek to balance your relationship through cooperation and compromise, affection, touching and intimacy brings you even closer. Those with irritable spirits will find instability and imbalance as well as momentary success that has been limited by their inability to create the good for others that they want for themselves

Osun say use the cooperating planetary energies of love and work in your home and at your workplace. Love and work are in harmony today and smart people will know to use the love and work energy to build unity in their family village and workplace. Love today is gentle, kind and caring; don’t squander it on people that are unable to receive it because they are channeling negative feelings. It is a day to look at the other side of a disagreement. It is also okay, to agree to disagree. This day brings personal success at a goal or task that was difficult but, finally completed. The planetary energies are cooperating with all that are aware of this gift to our universe.

Osun says celebrate and congratulate your own self on any accomplishment and give yourself credit for a job well done. Advancements, promotions, compliments, good grades, good scores, new writing projects and new jobs are the horizon for those with strong enough desires to visualize their future and to empower their dreams and to achieve what they want out of their own life. There is nothing wrong with having positive desires that enhance your life, that do not do harm others and that help you to fulfill your destiny and purpose for being born.

Osun says, if you haven’t figured out what is the meaningful purpose of your life yet, then any day that you are relaxed, pray to your divine mother spirit for clarity, be aware of her voice of truth, it will build you up. Divine Mother Spirits give ideas and actions to create strength to deal with adversity and open your world up to good people and happier conclusions for your relationships, for your life, and for universal good. Whether you are seeking your meaningful purpose or are already fulfilling it, today remind yourself that you are blessed.

Say aloud: I am a good and blessed person, say it 3x every time you say it** throughout the day to reinforce your ASE (inner power) to receive many doses of good spiritual nourishment from the divine mother spirits. ASE-O
Greet your day with a smile and love in your heart
Thank the Divine Mother Spirit for the harmony and balance in your life and for your accomplishments.
Iba se Egun I honor and respect Mabel Dawson
Iba se Egun I honor and respect George Dawson Sr.
Iba se Obatala for the light
Iba se Osun for the love
Iba se Orunmila for the wisdom
Iba se Iyami for being the power of the divine feminine spirit
Alcamo, I. I. (2006). The Source Iya Nla primordial Yoruba Mother. Brooklyn: Athelia Henrietta Press.
Fatunmbi, A. F. (2010, March 15). Awo Study Center. Retrieved March 15, 2010, from Forum:**
Fatunmbi, A. F. (1994). Iba se Orisa Ifa proverbs, folktales, sacred history and pray. Bronx: Original Publications.
Olomo, A. (2002). The core of fire a path to Yoruba spiritual activism. Brooklyn: Athelia Henrietta Press.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hey Pat Robertson, Haiti is the Victim and your Devil is within!

I am very sadden by the obviously crazy statement that you made today, Pat Robertson
I wonder what God you serve Pat Robertson; the Haitian people need our love, prayers and Ase(energy) to overcome this terrible situation. Yet Pat, you seek to blame Haitians, the victims of this force of nature. Pat, I caution you to be careful with your words because words have power. You know that now, millions of your Christians followers will also believe this nonsense tripe and will block their blessings by continuing to blame the victims of this devastating tragedy, instead of listening to the voice of our Mothers of nature.

The Mothers are deeply distressed that people with wealth are deliberately withholding food and other basic necessities from the children and families living in poverty. They know that the earth produces enough food, to feed all the poor. Pat, listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your light, he advocated for you Christians to feed and take of the poor. You have not been faithful. You have enough money too, you are rich and fat. You need to spend money on feeding the poor like Jesus told you,instead of spending money on useless TV shows.

Pat Robertson, you need a clue, and I am sending prayers to Olodumare for you and others like you be elevated to the wisdom of Mother Nature, to have it her way. Something is definitely wrong with your Core Belief System (CBS)(Olomo,2002)if you can blame the victims for their heartbreaking conditions. In truth you, are just like the rest of your people, guilty of ignoring the sins of profiteers that own everything and starve the world's poor for the sake of a dollar.

You and I, Pat and everyone else that silently allowed our country to teach the terrorists how to win wars are guilty of harming Mother Earth. Thsy want to know how do we allow children to experience violence from many paid promotional sources and to live through countless hardships as a result of their limited access to financial resources? All people that think like you are all guilty of creating injuries to Mother Earth without reflecting on your part in angering the Mothers.

I pray that Olodumare (God in Yoruba beliefs) brings clarity and light to all of you, misguided spiritual leaders with devil mentalities. Pat, I hate to bust your bubble, but the Devil you support, lives within you. Only ignorant folks like yourself, can not see that Mother Earth that is exploding around us. That's because you are not paying attention to your job as a spiritual leader. Pat, I recommend that you spend time in nature, then open your eyes to the current weather cycle and the other forces of nature occurring around the world. Mother Earth is sending spiritual people clear messages, to clean up our act (all people charged with spiritual leadership), to have a change of heart and to think about our own actions against humanity. It is time to love our earthly home and to embrace “Iwa Pele” good and gentle character,as well as to respect and care about our planet, the forces of nature that control it, our Ancestors, the poor, and all the children on our home planet.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Looking to the Light with Obatala:

The King that cast eyes, nose, mouth,ears

This year Obatala the Orisa Divinity of the creation and protector of deformed beings,of Creative Light and of Serene Mountains shows us the way to success in 2010.
1. Be honest with your words and actions
2. Be respectful of elders and youth, both have messages worth listening too!
3. Be careful not to spread negative messages, energy or talk
4. Be careful with your words, speak only what is positive and true!
5. Be prayerful and thankful for all your blessings

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Four Agreements, A Toltec Wisdom:

1.Be Impeccable With Your Words; speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. D0n't Take Anything Personally; nothing others do is because of you. What others do and say is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you areimmune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim ofneedless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions; find the courage to ask questions and to express whatyou really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoidmisunderstandings, sadness and drama.With just this one agreement; you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best; your best is going to change from moment to moment; it willbe different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstances,simply do your best, and you will avoid self judgment, self abuse and regret.We are influenced to create our own separate dreams by others...parents,teachers, religion.
By the time we reach adulthood we are fully convinced that this 'dream' is reality.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thank God if you can read this post!

Greetings Friends and Family,

Many of us are going through hard times and we are stuck in neutral. There several ways to quickly shift gears; one sure way out of neutral is to appreciate what you already have and each additional blessing that you continue to receive. You also add to good fortune by being excited about each opportunity that you have to make something happen to enhance your life or somebody else's world.
Life is about living to the fullest and being happy. Don’t let anything or anybody steal your joy today. Make this day and everyday sacred by being thankful for all that you do, all that you have and all the opportunities in your life. I thank you Oludumare, for giving me this message to share with us. God bless all the family and friends with many reasons to be thankful.-Ase-O

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Morning Message

On Friday 9/25/09, Shango rules; and the day is filled with thunder and lightning sparks, as well as huge victories for those that give him his due. Fiery Passion is his message; he wants you to enthusiastically use this day to expend high energies and excitement to complete tasks that will be mentally and materially satisfying. Avoid shady dealings. Good day to get many things accomplished. you can honor the passion within by sharing a quiet romantic evening with your favorite love partner. Turn to Shango if you have legal issues or traps and you will find a quick escape or receive a happy verdict. Ase-O